Install a python-based blog
Here's one way to install a python-based blog such as Nikola. In principle, it's the same procedure as documented in a previous post, but I understand it better this time.
First, install the essential ingredients to create a virtual environment for python and friends and handle it in a convenient fashion:
sudo pacman -S python-virtualenv python-virtualenvwrapper
Second, create the virtual environment, install Nikola and all other things you need.
mkvirtualenv nikola pip install Nikola pip install requests pip install livereload pip install jinja2 pip install markdown pip install webassets
If you don't know what you need:
pip install Nikola[extras]
Third, initialize your blog and install some plugins:
nikola init cd nikola install_theme bootstrap /or any other/ nikola plugin -i localsearch nikola plugin -i tags
Fourth, create a new post:
nikola new_post
Edit the new post with your favorite editor!
Fifth, after saving the new post, build and serve it:
nikola build && nikola serve
You can examine the result under http://localhost:8000. ALternatively, you can use
nikola auto
to be able to edit the post in quasi real-time. When you are satisfied, you can sync the result to your webspace using
nikola deploy
After all this work, you may have got tired of the whole business. Get out of it:
deactivate nikola
To start working again, issue
workon nikola
After a while,the whole machinery in your virtualenv is in dire need to be updated. How to do that? The easiest way is:
workon nikola pip install pip-tools pip-review --interactive
pip thus becomes a veritable package manager in its respective virtualenv. Not too bad.