screen - ein kurzer Einblick
Ich habe ein kurzes Einsteigertutorial zur Verwendung von GNU screen verfasst. Zu finden ist es hier.
Ich habe ein kurzes Einsteigertutorial zur Verwendung von GNU screen verfasst. Zu finden ist es hier.
Indenting a whole file in Vim is pretty easy: Type the following in normal mode
A simple shell script, that generates a random password from a given set of characters.
ls -d */ ls -l | grep ^d find . -maxdepth 1 -type d ls -F | grep /$ ls -1 | while read line; do if [ -d "$line" ]; then echo $line; fi; done ls -1|while read l;do [ -d "$l" ]&&echo $l;done perl -e 'foreach(glob(".* *")){print "$_\n" if (-d $_)}' perl -e 'opendir(DIR,".");foreach(readdir(DIR)){print $_ ."\n" if(-d $_);}' just kidding ;) ...
echo 1234 | sed 's/\(.\)/\1\+/g' | sed 's/.$//' | bc -l perl -e 'print eval join "+", split //, 12345;'
$width = @{$array[0]}; $height = @array;
Ever wanted to kick multiple users with just one command? makes it possible!
/kck user1 user2 user3
This script provides a fast way to "search" wikipedia from irssi.
/wiki rolling stones
prints in the current channel
/ewiki rolling stones
expands to
Note: this script requires curl.
A few days ago, I stumbled across Volker Birk's blog. 'Cause I really liked the design, I decided to rebuild my own website using NanoBlogger. Although I'm not completely satisfied with it yet, I think the result's already pretty considerable. :-) BTW: The old site is still available here.
Find all numbers from 1 to 999999, which are palindromic in base 2 and base 16.