2008 Archives

Browse by date
December 2008 (1)
November 2008 (1)
September 2008 (3)
August 2008 (25)

Browse by entry
2008/12 - [HowTo] Delete vim's backup files - linux
2008/11 - vimrc - vim, dotfiles
2008/09 - yaydl 0.8.9a (update) - projects
2008/09 - yaydl 0.8.7a (update) - projects
2008/09 - dhttpd svg(z) patch - linux
2008/08 - What's my public IP? - linux
2008/08 - Useful bash functions II - linux
2008/08 - Useful bash functions I - linux
2008/08 - Battery status script - scripts
2008/08 - screen - ein kurzer Einblick - articles
2008/08 - Indent a file in 2 seconds - vim
2008/08 - new website online! - news
2008/08 - palindromic numbers - linux
2008/08 - Remove the last character from a string/variable (bash) - linux
2008/08 - bash: list just directories - linux
2008/08 - zig-zag scan in Perl - scripts, perl
2008/08 - hint on 2-dimensional arrays in Perl: - perl
2008/08 - rot13 "encryption" of a file: - linux
2008/08 - Calculate the sum of digits of a given number - linux
2008/08 - perl password generator - scripts
2008/08 - bash password generator - scripts
2008/08 - Irssi - kick.pl - irssi
2008/08 - Irssi - wiki.pl - irssi
2008/08 - Irssi - f@h.pl - irssi
2008/08 - Irssi - mocnp.pl - irssi
2008/08 - Irssi - nicklist.pl - irssi
2008/08 - shuffle/repeat patch for moc - projects
2008/08 - yaydl - yet another youtube downloader (No longer maintained!) - projects
2008/08 - brute - projects
2008/08 - Welcome to NanoBlogger 3.3!