August 2008 Archives
2008-08-29 19:27:57
What's my public IP?
Here are 2 ways, to determine your public IP address using curl,
sed and grep. I recommend using the second one.
curl -s | grep class=\"ip\" | sed -r 's#(.*>)(.*)(<.*)#\2#' curl -s | sed -r 's#(.*: )([0-9.]*)(<.*)#\2#'
2008-08-25 00:56:25
Useful bash functions II
Most perl scripts I write start like this:
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; #maybe the GPL or some other stuff...Additionally it's always required to set the "x flag" via chmod - all in all quite annoying.
That's why I added the function shown below to my ~/.bashrc
np() { gplfile=~/Dokumente/gpl.txt if [ $# -eq 0 ] then echo "filename required..." return fi if [ -e "$1" ] then echo "file already exists!" return fi touch "$1" || { echo "can't touch $1" ; return ; } echo "#!/usr/bin/perl" >> "$1" if [ "$2" = "gpl" ] && [ -e "$gplfile" ] then cat "$gplfile" >> "$1" fi echo "" >> "$1" echo "use strict;" >> "$1" echo "use warnings;" >> "$1" echo "use 5.10.0;" >> "$1" echo "use feature 'say';" >> "$1" echo "" >> "$1" chmod 700 "$1" [ $EDITOR ] || EDITOR=vim $EDITOR "$1" }
Usage: np filename [gpl]
2008-08-21 19:53:24
Useful bash functions I
Put the following in your ~/.bashrc
up() { if [ $# == 0 ] then cd .. return fi if [ "${1//[^0-9]/}" != "$1" ] then echo "Not a number" return fi STRING="" for (( i=0; i<$1 ; i++ )) do STRING="$STRING../" done cd $STRING }
up is equivalent to cd .. and up N jumps up N directories in the directory tree.
2008-08-18 21:52:36
Battery status script
Some weeks ago, my laptop suddenly turned off, because its
battery was completely flat. To prevent this from happening again,
I wrote a small script that notifies me, when a critical charge
state is reached. Additionally it shuts the computer down before
the battery does. ;-)
Please note that this isn't meant to be a general purpose solution,
so feel free to adapt it to your own needs.
2008-08-15 00:36:06
screen - ein kurzer Einblick
Ich habe ein kurzes Einsteigertutorial zur Verwendung von GNU screen verfasst. Zu finden ist es hier.
2008-08-13 21:41:07
Indent a file in 2 seconds
Indenting a whole file in Vim is pretty easy: Type the following
in normal mode
2008-08-11 02:15:35
new website online!
A few days ago, I stumbled across Volker Birk's
blog. 'Cause I really liked the design, I decided to rebuild my
own website using NanoBlogger.
Although I'm not completely satisfied with it yet, I think the
result's already pretty considerable. :-)
BTW: The old site is still available here.
2008-08-11 01:27:50
palindromic numbers
Find all numbers from 1 to 999999, which are palindromic in base
2 and base 16.
2008-08-11 01:24:17
Remove the last character from a string/variable (bash)
echo ${var:0:${#var}-1}
echo ${var%?}
echo $var | sed 's/.$//'
You could also use chop ;)
2008-08-11 01:17:53
bash: list just directories
ls -d */
ls -l | grep ^d
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d
ls -F | grep /$
ls -1 | while read line; do if [ -d "$line" ]; then echo $line; fi; done
ls -1|while read l;do [ -d "$l" ]&&echo $l;done
perl -e 'foreach(glob(".* *")){print "$_\n" if (-d $_)}'
perl -e 'opendir(DIR,".");foreach(readdir(DIR)){print $_ ."\n" if(-d $_);}'
just kidding ;)
2008-08-11 01:01:42
Calculate the sum of digits of a given number
echo 1234 | sed 's/\(.\)/\1\+/g' | sed 's/.$//' | bc -l
perl -e 'print eval join "+", split //, 12345;'
2008-08-11 00:39:10
perl password generator
Another password generator, written in perl. As it's more advanced than the old bash script I recommend using this one, if you're to lazy to create a secure password by yourself. The special thing about this script is, that it's possible to specify the characters, that will occur in the password (e.g. it's possible to create a password, containing just the letters a, b and c (don't do this...))
2008-08-11 00:33:45
bash password generator
A simple shell script, that generates a random password from a given set of characters.
2008-08-11 00:30:09
Irssi -
Ever wanted to kick multiple users with just one command? makes it possible!
2008-08-10 23:29:42
Irssi -
Folding@home (F@H) is the most powerful distributed computing
cluster in the world and one of the world's largest distributed
computing projects. The goal of the project is "to understand
protein folding, misfolding, and related diseases."
To keep everyone on IRC informed about my current work progress, I
created this small script. :-)
Note: this script requires curl.
2008-08-10 23:06:49
Irssi -
This is a nowplaying script for moc and irssi. It also enables you to control moc from irssi. I recommend applying my patch to moc, as it's the only way to determine whether you turned shuffle/repeat on or off.
/mocnp prints the currently played song in the active channel /play starts playing, if moc's in state "pause" /pause pause the current song /start starts moc if it's not running or if it's in mode "stop" /stop stops moc /next next song /prev previous song /shuffle turns shuffle on/off (requires >=mocp 2.5) /repeat turns repeat on/off (requires >=mocp 2.5)
2008-08-10 22:32:56
Irssi -
This script displays a nicklist on the top of your irssi-window. Since it uses the split function of irssi, it works without any external programs. Although it works fine for me, a newer, better version will come soon...
2008-08-10 22:19:28
shuffle/repeat patch for moc
A lot of moc's functions can be easily controlled via command-line switches. Unfortunately, by default, there's no way to determine whether shuffle/repeat is turned on or off, without checking the ncurses-interface of moc. So, I created a small patch, that enables moc to display these two values along with the song information on the command-line.
Applying this patch is pretty easy:Example for the altered output:
State: PAUSE
File: /my/favorite/musicfile.mp3
Title: foobar
Artist: foo
SongTitle: foobar
Album: bar
TotalTime: 01:28
TimeLeft: 00:54
TotalSec: 88
CurrentTime: 00:34
CurrentSec: 34
Bitrate: 192Kbps
AvgBitrate: 199Kbps
Rate: 44KHz
Shuffle: on
Repeat: off
2008-08-10 22:08:44
yaydl - yet another youtube downloader (No longer maintained!)
yaydl - more than a youtube downloader!
Currently supports:
- youtube
- dailymotion
- sevenload
- downloading of multiple videos "simultaneously"
- encoding from flv to xvid using mencoder or ffmpeg
- extracting the soundtrack of a video using ffmpeg or mplayer+lame
- md3-tagging of the extracted sound-files
- auto-renaming
- support for HD videos on youtube/dailymotion
- Getopt::Long
- LWP::UserAgent
- MP3::Info
- Term::ProgressBar
On debian-based systems, a apt-get install libwww-perl libgetopt-long-descriptive-perl libmp3-info-perl libterm-progressbar-perl will suffice.
Just run the included install file. :-)
Download the current version:
2008-08-10 21:19:21
Now that's something pretty useless...
A simple MD5 brute forcer, written in C.
It calculates all combinations of a given set of characters and
compares the MD5 sum of each combination to a given hash.
brute calculates about 3 million hashes per second on a
Pentium 4 (2,6 GHz).
length represents the maximal length of a string, i.e. if it's 6, brute won't try words longer than 6 characters.
hash is a md5-hash, for example 5cfa779519a9789fad5dfe0de784ee4c
2008-08-10 21:11:15
Welcome to NanoBlogger 3.3!
The basic syntax is: nb [-b blog_dir] [options]
- create new weblog (directory) =
nb -b [blog_dir] -a
- create new entry =
nb -a
- create new category =
nb -c new -a
- create new entry with category =
nb -c [cat_id] -a
- list entries =
nb -l [all|DATE|max]
- list categories =
nb -l cat
- list entries by category =
nb -c [cat_id] -l [all|DATE|max]
- edit entry =
nb -e [entry_id]
- move entry to category =
nb -c [cat_id] -m [entry_id]
- delete entry =
nb -d [entry_id]
- delete category =
nb -c [cat_id] -d cat
- delete entry from category =
nb -c [cat_id] -d [entry_id]
- draft entry =
nb -E [draft_file]
- import draft as entry =
nb -f [draft_file] -a
- force update of weblog files =
nb -u [all|DATE|main]
Thank you for trying NanoBlogger. Please direct comments and suggestions to the mailing list or submit a bug report to the project page on