Keep your blog up-to-date
You certainly know the feeling: you've said it a thousand times, yet, people don't listen, do things contrary to your advice, fail pathetically, and end up crying at your shoulder! Or the other way around: you want some feature, beg for it for years....and are simply ignored by the obnoxious admins.
#pdes, however, is different. Even if you're just mildly hinting at a feature you might hope to have in years, you'll get it automatically overnight! It's just like talking to a genie!
Many thanks to haui, who relayed the message, and piet, who swiftly went into action. I really appreciate it. 😊
What I'm talking about is rsync, of course. Since my blog is getting bigger, its manual update has become quite cumbersome. Not any more: now we have an rsync server!
And how can we use this server? Well, like that:
connects to our.rsync.server over ssh on port 20 and synchronizes the remote and local version of the blog. Here's an example of the output:
[cobra@blackvelvet nb-3.4rc2]$ blup ... long list of files ... Number of files: 605 Number of files transferred: 35 Total file size: 8391086 bytes Total transferred file size: 179532 bytes Literal data: 21902 bytes Matched data: 157630 bytes File list size: 13812 File list generation time: 0.006 seconds File list transfer time: 0.000 seconds Total bytes sent: 24738 Total bytes received: 2386 sent 24738 bytes received 2386 bytes 10849.60 bytes/sec total size is 8391086 speedup is 309.36