A few days ago, I stumbled across Volker Birk's
blog. 'Cause I really liked the design, I decided to rebuild my
own website using NanoBlogger.
Although I'm not completely satisfied with it yet, I think the
result's already pretty considerable. :-)
BTW: The old site is still available here.
Find all numbers from 1 to 999999, which are palindromic in base
2 and base 16.
echo ${var:0:${#var}-1}
echo ${var%?}
echo $var | sed 's/.$//'
You could also use chop ;)
ls -d */
ls -l | grep ^d
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d
ls -F | grep /$
ls -1 | while read line; do if [ -d "$line" ]; then echo $line; fi; done
ls -1|while read l;do [ -d "$l" ]&&echo $l;done
perl -e 'foreach(glob(".* *")){print "$_\n" if (-d $_)}'
perl -e 'opendir(DIR,".");foreach(readdir(DIR)){print $_ ."\n" if(-d $_);}'
just kidding ;)
echo 1234 | sed 's/\(.\)/\1\+/g' | sed 's/.$//' | bc -l
perl -e 'print eval join "+", split //, 12345;'
Another password generator, written in perl. As it's more advanced than the old bash script I recommend using this one, if you're to lazy to create a secure password by yourself. The special thing about this script is, that it's possible to specify the characters, that will occur in the password (e.g. it's possible to create a password, containing just the letters a, b and c (don't do this...))
A simple shell script, that generates a random password from a given set of characters.
Ever wanted to kick multiple users with just one command?
kick.pl makes it possible!